There were almost 5 days
passed…only 175 days remaining! Time is passing by its nature… I'm now a bit
calm to wait and try to use my time enjoyable than keep being sad...force
myself not to let my tears come out more…but the feeling of waiting, it still
exists in my daily habit. Most of the time that I think and worry of him… I
want him come back soon, miss him.... but I remember when we both were together, we
also got many arguments too…lol… I used to be highly furious with his action in
term of no much consideration before his acting…but I also used to appreciate
him quite much of his achievement…he’s up and down…!!! He’s kinda mature guy
while sometime, tend to be so foolish as well…hahaha… Being with him, I got all
of feelings….happy, sad, romantic, worry, excited, warm, angry,
disappointed…etc. Because of these, his shadow always appears in front of my
eyes in my living’s time and days… miss him, really miss him! This is my love...!!! lolz…never feel enough!!
Welcome to my world...the world of my feeling, dream, view, favorite and yeah...complaint as well... lol
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
That day arrived…
Sunday of 19th August 2012, the day of my husband’s leaving for 6 months training in India had arrived… it seems too fast! I had tried much to control my feeling for not to be easily known but it’s still impossible. A night before his departure day, we were together and helped each other to pack the clothes and some dry-food. We were joking and teasing each other with some bad words and many sweet words…lol… I love that time really much… and of course, that was the night that both of us cannot sleep well... we both kept sleeping near each other in a silent way, being in his arms…listened to his beating heart..!! :S I felt warm and accidently fell asleep…would be around 2 hours next, I was awaked coz of getting a kiss on my mouth…and yea, from my beloved guy…he smiled to me very gently! Didn’t he sleep yet within these two hours? Then, a kiss was returned as he deserved to get…
That night had passed, early morning came to replace… we started prepared ourselves since 6:00 AM and we reached Phnom Penh Airport at around 8:00 PM with our parents and some relatives. The airport is so, always noisy with many people and this is my favorite environment but that day, I was just very hard to smile… Our uncle took a photo of us while he said we seemed the same, the sign of sad was shown on our faces. The one, whom always addicted to photos-capturing as me, became the one whom afraid of taking photos coz I wasn’t in a good mood at all… To my honey, he would start departure at 10:00 AM while he and his team needed to get checking on some documents and the luggage inside the airport since 8:30 AM and would back to outside again to say good bye to the relatives. After, I just took a short time to the restroom…when I came back, I was too surprised… I was almost late to see my honey face to face for last time within next future 6 months… he walked to me, showed his sad eyes and told me he needed to go now to wait inside since it was already 9:30 AM… he hugged me, kissed my forehead and next was holding my hand to walk with him and kissed my hand for last time before went into inside…. He did look back to me many times…for sure, I had non-speech to give him… I was in a dream I felt while it was the fact 100%... I immediately remembered I could see him again via the mirror wall next to the lift to go upstair… Nothing beside kept running to that place and waiting to see him for last time… my tears started moving through my cheek… I saw him…going to the upstair and waving to me with his almost crying face… I wanna tell him to take care well…but my all words were stucked…and even if I could speak out, he still cannot hear coz there was a mirror wall between us… sad me…! I felt so regret for not saying anything to him…!!!
That was a day, a full day of my sobbing and seeing the world very negatively whenever I was alone… I saw an SMS from him via facebook since 11:30 AM which told me he reached Thailand and would start the flight to India at 2:45 PM…I saw this SMS at 4:00 PM…it was too late…just gave him a replied-SMS. Until the night arrived, I still cannot sleep well… many times that I awaked… coz I wanted to know if it was the time my husband would reach India or not yet… he would land to India and continued with car travelling until 11:00 PM in India (equal to 12:30 AM in Cambodia) to reach his stayed-place in Pune (formerly Poona) where is near Mumbai (previously known as Bombay). I sent him another message via facebook since 11:00 PM in Cambodia and kept checking 2 hours once but he didn’t respond me… at around 4:00 AM, I got his response…maybe he just saw my message… however, it really made me much releasing and I could sleep from that time… A new morning started…Monday of 20 August 2012… the day of starting work of the week… Start a life without him… start a life of time-waiting…!!!
Hmmm…. “No any meetings have no leaving time… “, it’s actually believed by many people and yeah, it’s quite correct!!! Plus, true love always causes a miracle… So, the time would be flying and passing quickly… I would see him soon!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
មែនអត់? ពេលខ្លះក៏ដើរលឿនអើយលឿន ចុះម៉េចក៏ពេលខ្លះដើរយឺតអស់ថ្លែងចឹង? ដូចមិនដឹងគួរនិយាយថាមិច!
រឺក៏មកពីយើងខ្លួនឯង? ថាចឹងក៏បែបត្រូវដែរ ព្រោះអីខ្ញុំលឺគេនិយាយថា ពេលវេលាគ្មានយឺត
គ្មានលឿនអីទេ វាតែប៉ុនហ្នឹង ហើយអ្វីដែលយើងឆ្លងកាត់គឺកើតមកពីអារម្មណ៍យើងខ្លួនឯង!?
តើអ្នកអាចយល់ពីខ្លួនឯងបានប៉ុណ្ណាដែរ? ដែលគិតអត់? ចំពោះខ្លួនខ្ញុំ អត់ទេ
អត់ដឹងថាយល់ពីខ្លួនឯងបានប៉ុណ្ណាទេ។ ពេលខ្លះ ខ្ញុំចង់ឲ្យម៉ោងដើរលឿនណាស់
តែម៉េចក៏ពេលខ្លះទៅជាយំព្រោះតែវាដើរលឿនទៅវិញ? ខ្ញុំ....អាចចាត់ទុកថាជាមនុស្សកំរមាន
ព្រោះអីខ្ញុំតែងសំរេចបាននូវក្តីប្រាថ្នាស្ទើរតែទាំងអស់ ជឿអត់? វាជាការពិត!!!!
តែឥឡូវខ្ញុំកំពុងតែចង់ឆ្កួតលប់ព្រោះតែប្រាថ្នាក្លាយជាការពិត…. ថាទៅ
បានប្រាថ្នាឲ្យពេលវេលាដើរលឿន ហើយតាំងពីប្រាថ្នាមក ដើរលឿនដូចចិត្ត =,= ខ្ញុំចង់ឲ្យវាដើរលឿនព្រោះតែចង់ឆាប់បានឃើញមុខកូនក្នុងផ្ទៃឲ្យឆាប់ៗ
តែដោយសារតែដើរលឿនពេក វាក៏មកដល់ថ្ងៃដែលជាគំរោងចេញទៅរៀននៅស្រុកក្រៅរបស់គ្រួសារខ្ញុំរយះពេល៦ខែ :’( ណាគេមិនកើតទុក្ខ ណាគេមិនយំពេលប្តីត្រូវទៅឆ្ងាយ
អត់បាននៅមើលថែប្រពន្ធ មើលមុខកូនទើបហ្នឹងកើត??? ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងទេ
គេបែបមិនយំ តែខ្ញុំយំ!!! ខ្ញុំព្យាយាមឃាត់គាត់ហើយ
គាត់ក៏ព្យាយាមបដិសេដទៅកន្លែងគាត់ដែរ តែចុងក្រោយនៅតែអត់បាន នៅតែចាកចេញ រឺជំរើសមួយទៀតក៏មានតែគឺឈប់ធ្វើការ??!! ហ៊ឺម
ហ៊ឹម ហ៊ឹម…. គាត់នឹងចេញដំណើរនៅថ្ងៃអាទិត្យសប្តាហ៍នេះ
ទី១៩ ខែសីហា ២០១២ ម៉ោង ១០ ព្រឹក… ខ្ញុំគិតថាយ៉ាងណាក៏បាននៅក្បែរគាត់ដល់ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ដែរ
ដឹងអីគាត់ត្រូវទៅលេង និងលាម៉ាក់ប៉ាឯខេត្តនៅថ្ងៃពុធនេះ ដល់ថ្ងៃសុក្របានមកវិញ។
គ្រាន់តែលឺ ទឹកភ្នែកក៏ចាប់ផ្តើមហូរ... ពេលវេលាសំរាប់ខ្ញុំនិងគាត់ខិតកាន់តែខ្លីទៅៗ។
ខ្ញុំទប់ចិត្តអត់បានទេ តែបើឲ្យទៅខេត្តជាមួយគាត់ក៏ទៅអត់បានទៀត
ឲ្យទៅម៉េចបើពោះប៉ាប៉ុនណាណីហើយហ្នឹង សុខភាពក៏អត់ទៀងទាត់ទៀត
បើឲ្យទៅជិះឡានផ្លូវឆ្ងាយផង ចប់ហើយ មិនដឹងឈឺម៉េចទេ!!!
រង់ចាំ…!!! មើលប្រាប់ខ្ញុំមើល អ្នកចូលចិត្តអត់? អាចទ្រាំហើយគិតតែរង់ចាំបានអត់? ខ្ញុំវិញហ្ហា៎
អត់សោះ ហើយស្អប់បំផុតការរង់ចាំ មិនថាចាំអីទេ មិនថាចាំពេលវេលា ចាំមិត្តភក្តិ
ខ្ញុំម៉ួរម៉ៅណាស់!! ចុះទំរាំចាំមនុស្សដែលខ្លួនស្រលាញ់
ចាំពេលវេលាដ៏វែងអន្លាយបែបហ្នឹង? (៦ខែចាត់ទុកថាយូរណាស់សំរាប់ខ្ញុំដែលស្ថិតក្នុងស្ថានភាពបែបនេះ)។
ខ្ញុំមានតែចាប់ផ្តើមរាប់ថ្ងៃខែ ហើយចាប់ផ្តើមរស់នៅជាមួយការរង់ចាំ ទាំងដែលស្អប់ការរង់ចាំជាទីបំផុត។
អារម្មណ៏ខ្ញុំគិតដល់គាត់ អាលោះអាល័យគាត់ណាស់ ហើយពិតជានឹកគាត់ខ្លាំងទៀត ចុះគាត់វិញ? មានអារម្មណ៏ដូចខ្ញុំអត់? ហ៊ឺមហ៊ឺម….!!! ទេ…..មានតែប្រាថ្នាទៀតហើយខ្ញុំ!! សូមឲ្យពេលវេលាបន្តដើរលឿនទៀតចុះណា៎
ខ្ញុំអត់ប្រកាន់ទេ ដើរឲ្យលឿនៗទៅ!!!!
នេះខ្ញុំត្រូវចាប់ផ្តើមរាប់ថយក្រោយដែលគេហៅថាខោនដោន (Count Down)ហ្នុងមែនអត់? ១៨០ថ្ងៃណា៎
យី…មានទៅតិចអី??? ~~ តែថាមានជំរើសអត់? គឺអត់ហ្នឹងថា….ចាំទៅ!!!
បើបាក់ត្រង់នេះ វានិងទៅដុះត្រង់នោះ បើចឹងវាមិនខុសអីពីជីវិតមនុស្សទេហ្ន៎…អ្នកដែលធ្លាប់ឆ្លងកាត់ការឈឺចាប់រាប់មិនអស់
ថែមទាំងជាមនុស្សដែលឆាប់យល់ដឺងពីសុខទុក្ខអ្នកជុំវិញខ្លួន អ្នកដទៃ។
ក៏ដូចជាការដែលយើងលះបង់និងតស៊ូជាមួយរឿងអ្វីម្យ៉ាង វានិងហុចផលឲ្យយើងយ៉ាងសាកសម
ដែលមានទៅខុសអីពីជំនឿសាសនាព្រះពុទ្ធផងដែរ បើជនណាបានធ្វើអ្វីមួយ
ជននោះឯងនិងត្រូវទទួលផល មិនថាជាអំពើល្អ រឺ អំពើបាបឡើយ។ ដាំដើមអ្វី
បានផ្លែផ្កាដើមនោះ។ អញ្ចឹងចំពោះខ្ញុំ ក៏មិនខុសគ្នាដែរ
ខ្ញុំប្រាកដនិងទទួលបាននូវការតបស្នង ផលប្រសើរនាថ្ងៃខាងមុខជាមិនខានទេ!!!
នេះខ្ញុំកំពុងតែប្រាថ្នាទៀតហើយណា៎! :)
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