Last weekend, Saturday and Sunday were the days that made me know how very valuable my whole family is! Of course, I spent those both days staying in my narrow room and mostly was alone since morning until evening as my husband was outside with his busy tasks. Firstly, I thought it should not be the problem to me since my room is small but nice…there is air-con, television, sweet bed and computer with internet access.While there is internet, I expected I would not be bore at all. Internet seems the best tool to get exploring and let’s time runs faster. However, the situation’s going differently from my expectation.
That weekend days brought me alot of feeling. I know more as being with other people is a very good environment and even know more, being with family and special one is extremely the precious and appreciatory thing. Although my room could comfort me well, internet could give me everything I want to know and the bed is always waiting to give me a nice sleep with the cold wind from air-con but I turned too bored of them when they stayed long hours with only me. They could entertain me only the start. This comfortable environment soon became the indescribable atmosphere. I felt afraid of that silently, dislike of being cold but would not turn off the air-con or it may badly hot. My inner feeling’s scaring me, I was so much afraid of outdoor noise…afraid of the door-knocking sound or even the soft songs which I heard just as it was very far away but it was flying via the wind to my room. I had no more feelings to know anything from internet, no feeling to explore more and lose my favor to sing any songs in Youtube, no interest to chat, sharing or playing facebook. It seemed that’s not me.
In fact, I had choices to choose…many ways I could push those boring feeling away from me. I could go out for a walk for releasing stress. I could go to my parents’ house for visiting them even that’s a far distant from my current house but it doesn’t matter. I could go for eating something as I wished. I could dress beautifully and go shopping, buying anything as required…but the problem is that I didn’t choose any of them because even if I go, I still go to those places alone. Only the last choice I chose, continued to stay in my room without other presence. I miss my special one! Thus, starvation simultaneously interfered my time. At that time, not only boring but also hungry started to be with me. Immediately, I turned to be really missing my parents and siblings, especially my mother! I wanted to see her very soon! While I was staying with her and my family, I rarely knew the word BORE but always a noisy family. I never have willing to complain about food since I could eat whenever I wished. There usually had vegetable, meat, eggs and fruits in the refrigerator. Being with her, just a very simple local food but it’s still so delicious… I missed it! I did miss that time which already became the past while my current time, I already got married and live with my husband in a flat.
Because of being bored, hungry, lonely and my missing to the special people, I later became as a little girl, around 6 years old whom is weak, too weak. Normally, when she meets those feeling, what will happen to her? She would cry…cry for complaining and cry for help….yeah, I was so! No one could help me at that time since I didn’t dare to help myself at all but leaded my own more deeply into those feeling. Fortunately, some intelligence still exists to my thought. I still remembered the way to meet my mom quickly! That’s CALLING! I called her! She rescued me by unintentionally. She didn’t know what happened to me or I was crying since I told her my voice was changed because of cold. That was the excuse to her question of why my voice seemed really strange. More, she said she so missed and loved me even more. She asked me to visit her…she talked a lot and all she talked to me were what I expected to hear from her! I felt better! Sure, what I wished to get in that situation was warm…the warm from honest heart of my special people…and I finally got it…from my beloved mom! Love you, mom! :*
Going through this above experience, I learnt one more lesson. I now exactly value much more to the presence of people around me and especially my whole family. I need them more and more than treasure. For me, the highest expensive things cannot just a little bit in comparing to them. Even if I am offered to live in a very luxury house or room and get all the best serving but if I cannot go out of that place, cannot meet my family, my husband or any friends and required to stay alone…Just a few months later…I would be changed into a lady whom seen as always keeps smiling, sings multi-songs and maybe naked as well…Why??? Coz she already became an insane person! lol