Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Symptoms of Early Pregnancy

If you are wondering whether you are pregnant or not, let's compare yourselves to these below symptoms... It you got the same things as below ones, no need to doubt more... you are totally Pregnant. Congratulation!! :D

The symptoms are:

- Swollen, tender, or sore breasts and/ or nipples
- Fatigue or unusual tiredness 
- Late period 
- Light bleeding and/or cramping 
- Morning sickness 
- Running to the bathroom 
- Headaches 
- Mood swings
- Feeling weak, faint, or dizzy
- Increased basal body temperature or BBT
- Constipation.

These above symptoms, most of pregnant women will face with; however, some women also meet other symptoms more than these. So, this is the first step you can get yourselves explore but to be sure, let's go to discuss with the doctor.

By the way, do you want to know the detail of each above pregnant symptoms? 
If you are interested to understand them clearly, please visit this web:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What should you avoid to eat while pregnant?

According to a website which talking about the food should be avoided while pregnant, those listed foods are:

1. Raw Meats: Raw meats such as sushi, seafood (especially shellfish), rare or uncooked beef or poultry foods should be avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis and salmonella.
2. Deli meats including hot dogs: These deli meats might be contaminated with listeria bacteria which may result in miscarriage. It's safe to eat deli meats if you reheat them until steaming hot or avoid altogether.
3. Raw eggs: Raw eggs may contain salmonella. Some Caesar salad dressings, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream and custards as well as Hollandaise sauces may be made with raw eggs. In addition, unpasteurized eggnog should be avoided during pregnancy. Definitely one of the top foods to avoid during pregnancy.
4. Fish high in mercury: Another important food you can't eat when pregnant. In many places in the U.S. there are high levels of Mercury or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the fish. When you consume large amounts of mercury, your baby may suffer brain damage resulting in developmental delays (for example, delays in learning to walk or talk). Consumption of fish containing high levels of PCBs in their fatty tissues is linked to decreased attention, memory, and IQ in babies. Check with your local Health Department to determine which fish in your area are safe to eat.
5. Soft cheeses: Soft cheeses such as blue cheese, feta (goat cheese), brie, cambert, Latin-American soft white cheeses (such as queso blanco and queso fresco) and blue-veined cheeses (such as roquefort) may become contaminated with the Listeria bacteria. Listeria could cause sickness or death in you or in your child.
6. Over the counter food: Avoid canned, tinned or prepackaged foods. Many of them can have Salmonella or other bacteria. Even hotdogs and burgers bought from vendors can cause diseases.
7. Liver: Minimize the amount of liver you eat. Animal liver contains very high levels of vitamin A. While vitamin A is good for you, women who consume too much may risk a higher incidence of birth defects in their babies. Since you're probably already taking prenatal vitamins and eating other vitamin A-containing foods, it's better to be safe and not consume liver on a regular basis.
8. Artificial sweeteners: No-no food you can't eat when pregnant.The consumption of artificial sweeteners, such as can be found in diet soda, is safe for the general public. No studies show conclusively that it's harmful for humans to consume artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. The risk seems to be lowest with aspartame, while Saccharin has been shown to cause birth defects and cancer in rodent studies. you might choose to limit your consumption of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy. Instead, substitute fruit juice, milk or water.
9. Unpasteurized milk and milk products: Most of our milk products are made from pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk has gone through a special cleaning process to rid it of any bacteria, especially listeria. Milk boiled at high temperature (pasteurized) kills the deadly bacteria.
10. Alcohol: During your pregnancy, it is important that you try to avoid alcoholic beverages. Though you may be used to having a glass of wine with dinner, alcohol can severely damage your baby and hinder her development. Alcohol can pass through your placenta and prevent your baby from getting much-needed oxygen and nutrients. Heavy drinking during pregnancy can also increase your child's risk of developing Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, an illness that causes severe mental and physical side effects.
11. Other foods: Pineapple, papaya, coffee, tea and sesame seeds should be avoided during pregnancy.
12. Go organic: Very important for a healthy baby. You do not want to feed your baby the hazardous pesticides and chemicals that come for free with groceries.

In fact, this above information is copied 100% from a website since I think it seems very important for pregnant women to read and yeah, that's me now. :)

More detail, check where I took from: http://blessedmom.hubpages.com/hub/Foods-cant-eat-when-pregnant

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sweet Silly Love Words

Below pictures are called “emo love cartoon character”. I saw them by chance in Google and immediately love them, love their words. That’s so sweet and full of loyalty with adorable love. Hehehe…

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Her Today!

Today is such a bad day for a lady. She meets a lot of problems due to her health. It makes her almost cannot stand to work. Start from the morning, when she gets up she feels hot even there’s air-con in her room. She gets sick with her stomach and that’s diarrhea…tired! Still, she needs to dress and goes for work because she thinks it would get better, just a simple illness. However, she additionally gets much worse by feeling of vomit. To her, it seems she is car-sick. She even feels dizzy and so hard to breathe. She wonders what kind of her day today? Why all those happen to her? More than that, she bursts into tear very easily. How very weak she’s today. Just think of her argument with her special one, she lately cries and cries. Luckily, her mother asks her sister to take good medicine for our lady. She feels better after taking it.
Unfortunately, those feelings come back all in the afternoon again. Wahhh!!! How come it arrives without any invitations so? Of course, all those uncomfortable feelings come back and not only them, they takes their friends to visit our lady too. Hmmm…. She doesn’t only feel as morning time but more than that. She feels exhausted, her hands and legs seems so soft. She feels quite sleepy while there are hundred yawning per hour. Her eyes try to close while her brain tries to control it to open and works. She almost can’t control herself but just try to overcome it. It’s not the serious sickness; however, it is exactly a very annoying one. She’s totally sick now! Pity her! :’(

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