Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Fate with Dogs in spiritual way…

In Khmer’s belief, dreaming about dog is referring to your connection to the spirit or soul because it is believed that dog is the representative of ghost. So, if you see the dog in your dream, make sure you protect yourself well from being attacked or you will have bad luck… something like getting sick or meet any failure…

I remember I never dreamt of the dog until before I got married for a while, I started seeing in my dream in many different types. However, that spirit which hides in the dog’s physic was coming to be my guard, my protector… Really appreciate…hehehe

The first time I saw the dog in my dream was a black dog that could speak human language and asking me to lets him stay with me while I agreed… But that common black dog was not only able to speak, he could transform into human body too… a thin tall young and white guy…lol… cute! He was kinda the same age as me… That time, he was that rough to me but actually was trying to avoid me from a disaster of falling into the river… That was my first time as well to write an article saying about this type of dream…

Secondly, I dreamt I was walking in a silent huge and dark forest alone… quite scary… I walked very fast without knowing any destination. I only walked without turning around just because I was afraid of seeing something I didn’t wish to see… But then, I heard a voice said… “FOLLOW ME!” I turned to find that voice and saw no human but a big dog which also similar a wolf… It’s words had power on me that I tried to follow it through that big forest… we went straight, turned left, turn right… I didn’t remember how many times it was but then, I saw a hole which allowed some bright came in that dark forest… I ran toward it and tried to get over the bright hole…as a result, I could come back to the ordinary world of human…but nah…my guidance disappeared…

Lately, it happened in my dream again… I was visiting in the mysterious temple… Then, something was such a beast came out… it tried to attack me… I was running quite fast… quite frightening… until I fell down to the ground… that beast came closer and closer… I was closing my eyes as I thought I would be ended here… That guidance appeared again… in the hug body of such a wolf and stood in front of me bravely with its cruel roaring… that beast was afraid of this wolf… and turned back… the wolf talked to me again… “HURRY, COME WITH ME BEFORE THAT BEAST CHANGES ITS MIND”. Ahhh…ahh…can speak again… What would I react? Lol…nothing at all but tried all my best to follow that wolf… We left that temple and entered the forest… kept running following that wolf until we reached a cottage… the wolf entered that place and walked into the kitchen… and when I entered that cottage too, I saw around 10 monks, several were doing mediation and several more were having meal… so I was invited to sit and having meal with them… I accepted, lol…too tired and starved… I wondered why that wolf seemed silent in the kitchen… but suddenly a handsome guy with such so tall and strong body came out… no doubt, transforming again… lol

Other night later on, I saw myself was staying home… I was walking and playing in the courtyard and I saw that my house’s gate had been opened… I walked toward there to close it but I didn’t even reach the gate yet, a few starving dogs existed… They walked toward me slowly and roughly with mouthwatering as wanna take me as their food… I turned my steps backward… Simultaneously, my white small dog with long soft hair came out… she started her barking crazily… Well, she tried to protect me and I didn’t know why, those wild dogs seemed afraid of her… seemed regret and turned back to leave my house… If compare her size to them and they even came in peer so… I didn’t expect they would leave… though, they were and she was saving me…

My last dream recently was about the dogs as well... I saw my two sons… one was around 3 years old and another was under 1 year old (actually, the second one isn’t born yet!), they both were playing around but then they went to play in someone’s garden… immediately there was a man appeared… he looked like the gardener but his facial expression wasn’t that normal person… well, such a witch…he locked all the door of the garden just likely to block my sons in there and he did something spiritual which turn my boys into puppies.. It may a curse to my boys for interfering his land… I was behind something that could avoid him to see me… Although, after seeing this, I felt quite shocked… quite worried… I ran toward that strange guy and tried to help my sons but he was trying to block me in too… No choice beside I tried to escape from him and tried to run to find people for help… I after saw a group of several cool good looking men who were chuckling and chatting on their luxury red sport car… I asked them for help while I was so exhausted from escaping… I couldn’t even breathe well… I knew my words were very difficult to understand but they could catch it very accurately as they were my friends that could understand me even without words… They all ran very fast to that garden and just around 10 seconds of their fast running, they all turned into the wild tall big dog-wolf… Their roar, their bark frightened the witch gardener and pushed that guy to run a way… They then took my puppies sons to me and when my sons came into my hug, they finally were back to human body… I said thanks to them with all my pure heart and wet tearing eyes…

Thank you so much, extremely a big thank to all my mates of this miracle and spiritual dog-human for always be there to help and recuse me, my family members as well from all the dangers!!!

Friday, June 19, 2015

I & U during raining...

Now it is raining…
What if I were…

In the neat and beautiful room… everything is well prepared very simply but damn comfortable… the in front part of the room has a very big transparent glass door… In side nearing there, is a soft sofa… The view outside the room is the fresh green one of many types of trees which stand still on the mountain… Yeah… this house, this room is next to mountain…

Raining starts dropping down so much… The nature is dancing per raining rhythm…  and it seems the way to clean our nature to be greener and fresher…  There is a lady who is standing next to that glass door while it is opened a half… she hugs herself with her both hands… looking far outside and smiling… enjoy the nature during the rain… when it is colder and colder…

Without acknowledgment, a soft warm cloth is wrapped on her shoulder… “Take care honey, it is so cold…”, a tall man is talking… She turns back and smiles… He then cuddles her from the back, lets his chin stays on her shoulder and they both keep  talking none stop of this and that… We could see their unlimited happiness smile and warmth exist on their face… They also kiss each other… Spending their time enjoyable during the rain and overwhelm with the fresh nature around them.

Well, it is not too much for this imagination… I just want this moment sometime in my life… 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Fool Love

A boy was dating a girl who always hurt him. One day, she broke up with him and told him, "I don't ever want to see you again."

A few months later, the girl had a change of heart. She realized that she loved the boy, so she went back and said to him, "Give me just one more chance. I love you and I need you. I promise that I will never hurt you again."

But the boy just laughed and said to her, "Only a fool would take back someone who hurt them so much."

The girl felt hopeless and began to cry, but the boy put his arms around her, held her tightly and said, "...and I am one of those fools."

Love is blind... Love is a fool... But then, Love is that happiness! :'>

Monday, June 15, 2015

Twerk It Like Miley

Twerk It Like Miley

By Brandon Beal feat. Christopher


Hey, girl, this yo song, let's see that padonkadondon
I'mma try to do the things that you don't
Baby, it's yo party, I just wanna play
What's that sound? What's that thang that's got me like wow?
I'm tryna beat beat it up twelve rounds
Girl, look at that body, I just gotta say

When you back back back back back it up
And you drop it down low
And you pick pick pick pick pick it up
Girl, I'm ready to blow
I'mma stack stack stack stack stack it up
And I'm spending it all
When I throw throw throw throw it up

(Chorus x6)
Start twerkin' like Miley

You got everybody in this club lookin' at you girl
How you move that thing from side to side
Fuck everybody in this club, cause I got you girl
I'mma tell you what's goin' down tonight
Girl, it's gon' rain, that's that sound
That's that shit that's got you like wow
And would you let me beat beat twelve rounds
Baby, look at that body, I just gotta say

You back back back back back it up
And you drop it down low
And you pick pick pick pick pick it up
Girl, I'm ready to blow
I'mma stack stack stack stack stack it up
And I'm spending it all
When I throw throw throw throw it up

(Chorus x3)
Start twerkin' like Miley

I know you wore them jeans
so I can see that thong thong thong thong thong
thong thong thong thong thong
pop it like Miley
And don't forget that tongue tongue tongue tongue
tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue

Twenty more shots then I pass out
but that's what I'm aiming for
Baby, let me drown
when I wake up, I'm still in the club
Looking at the DJ, like turn my shit up, oh

So when the beat beat beat beat beat drops
get your ass on the floor
Start twerk it like Miley
Start twerk it like Miley
Start twerk it like Miley
Start twerk it like Miley
Right beside me

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

>Dream>Baby Delivering

I dreamt last night as I delivered my baby and it was none to hurt me which I didn’t even realize I was about to deliver but after I realized, my baby already came out…
I saw he was quite cute, white skin, smiley and adorable face, especially, he had such so sharp nose… *lovesss* He was born with some jewelry from birth…  He had silver bracelet and silver traditional lace around his waist… With this, we were believing that he was someone who had some relation with miracle… He was born on 1st of July which was known as Sunday… I and my family were so glad to see him… Very warm presence of him to us…

However, this was all only in my dream… Of course, I’m going to deliver next month of July and can be from around 3rd to 8th July… I’m so wondering of what is the definition of my dream?  Hopefully it isn’t opposite… Though, 1st of July isn’t Sunday at all… Or is it a hint to share as my boy will be born on Sunday of July?

Well, just wish my dream didn’t mean to make reality opposite to what I saw in dream… 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Puuung Artist - Her Illustrations connect to ME!

Do you know Puuung Artist?

She is a Korean Illustrator whom is quite popular currently depend on her beautifully illustration of Love. She believes true love lies in the little things and it is from the moments in our everyday lives.

That is the point! Love is found exactly from our daily life and so do I. Being with our partner, there is time we are fighting, staring at each other or even stop talking; meantime, there is love moments existing as well. We care of each other, show and share our love while we sometime don't mean to be so; though, it is naturally occurring...

Puuung's illustrations that describe about my life of the sweet moments...

+ He is better in cooking than me...So I'm his

+ Well, he love hugging and kissing me whenever and a trustworthy place... hehe...

+ We often have meal outside or shopping together... XD

+ Our home movie time and reading too but he doesn't like reading...only ME ^^

+ And, we do spend our chocolate time together... especially, our ways to tease each other... haha...

+ In addition, even he could make me cry but he is also the best motivation to remove my tears... to make me feel speak out how the sorrow hurts me... and we do care each other... jub jub!!!

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I’ve been through a path I chose myself, my professional journey. I believed I would deliver the best result and met my stakeholder’s expect...