Monday, June 3, 2019

He was a stranger…

She had never known him…
Until one day, they met…
The first impression had been quite impressive…
Day by day, she was feeling closer and closer with him…
She believed he was the one she had been always looking for,
The right model for her path!

Unfortunately, a misunderstanding occurrence took place,
And yes, she was judged immediately,
From that no one but her most respected model,
What else she could be beside dying inside…
Because this was really from no one…

He didn’t even have a percentage to believe in her,
He didn’t look into details before judging,
He didn’t blink an eye to describe her,
He didn’t even stand in neutral,
All he had done, was to create his most negative perception,
He didn’t really mean to give her a single chance…but his people did!

The misunderstanding quickly was unsealed,
Soon she may possibly be healed,
However, she lost her trust, her passion…
She could not revert her emotion back…
The emotion of being the sincere fan to her idol…
The old memory seems died...might not come back.

Finally, she looks at him now just as nothing happened…
Not even alike a person used to know…
Time goes by,
Life goes on,
Beyond expectation,
A stranger who had been once in the past just becomes a stranger again!

Moral: Do not expect other to see the same image as you… Do not expect the same trust in return, just because you trust that person purely… The moment you fall so deep in your own illusion; you finally would be the criminal of your own crime from killing your own self…

Hay Blog! I come back to you with broken heart again...

My dear speakup zone, my dear blog, I came here with a broken heart again... and so does the broken soul...   I cross path with a very g...