Thursday, January 30, 2020


January 2020 is going on very exciting to my life and so does frightening…also surprising…

I went to Mondolkiri province with my family for my first time… So cold and beautiful there…



I went to Kep province with my colleagues, we worked hard and we played to the max…



I spent Chinese New Year with my in-law family in Kampong Cham province, I’m always the princess to my in-law family, love them!

Though, I got damn scared with the new virus which gives such danger alert to the world… “Novel Coronavirus Wuhan”!!! I’m afraid my family would be infected… I’m pity the lives that lost and their family… So frightening!

Last but not least, I got surprising gifts for my birthday, the pink cutie bear and a beautiful bouquet with my favorite flowers… #1 Sunflowers, #2 Lily, #3 Roses… I frankly was quite surprised since I didn’t think they would gift me (they celebrated for me already on our trip to Kep province…).


It meantime also was a sad day to me… Repeated occurring… While other did the celebration for me, no one in my family notice and none of them remembered my birthday… They also forgot me last year and before last year, also before last two years and so on, I still found it hard to believe it could happen on me… In my family, all members remembered each other special days but they often forgot only me…  What is worse, I never forget their days… I cannot hide my disappointment from my Mom’s notice… She asked me and I told her all… She was surprised and asked me why I didn’t mention... Did she mean like I tried to not say it out, lets it get over and complaint? Actually, I did want to tell them but my words were stuck… I seemed like if I spoke it out, I would encourage ma tears to come along with… Back and forth, it is not the first time too… Mom said sorry to me, she told me she believed I am quite strong to go on by myself but not my siblings … Well, I’m not that strong… I still need attention, loves and cares from my family… I don’t want celebration or gift but their acknowledgement and their loves… I also want to feel special as their family members…
Last night, I could not sleep tight… It was hard to stop the tears… I felt so empty… I was dramatically broken… The Sun seems give me strength… New day starts, I get better in no time… I could get over… I feel better… I persuaded myself to go back to my theory, “Family is family no matter what!” I would give them the unchanged loves and try my best to stop expecting their reactions (I said so last year too, it must be hard to stop expecting but I must do it) … Love myself more and more, comfort myself! And keep remembering my face while crying, that was so ugly… I should not do it again, especially on 29 January!
 I should not allow myself to get the same pain!
Only one month of this 2020, things has happened spectacularly…
Sympathize my lonely soul…

Hay Blog! I come back to you with broken heart again...

My dear speakup zone, my dear blog, I came here with a broken heart again... and so does the broken soul...   I cross path with a very g...