Tuesday, March 24, 2015


ព្រឹកមួយនាខែឧសភា ឆ្នាំ២០១២

ម៉ោង៨ព្រឹកហើយ ប្តីប្រពន្ធមួយគូនៅតែដេកមិនព្រមក្រោកសោះ។ ប្រពន្ធនិយាយទៅកាន់ប្តីទាំងដែលដៃកំពុងតែអោបប្តីឲ្យស្អិត….

ប្រពន្ធ៖ បងហា អួនដូចជានឹកសមុទ្រដល់ហើយ ចង់ទៅលេង (ធ្វើឬកម្ញិកម្ញក់)
ប្តី​៖ អឺម មែនតា ខានទៅលេងយូរហើយហ្នេអូន ប៉ុន្តែយើងទៅជាមួយណាគេ? តែពីរនាក់?
ប្រពន្ធ៖ តែពីរនាក់ម៉េចហ្នឹង​សប្បាយទៅ?
ប្តី៖ ម៉េចបានដឹងថាអត់សប្បាយ? បងមានវិធីធ្វើឲ្យអូនឯងសប្បាយហា (គាត់ធ្វើមុខរបៀបខិលរកគ្មាន)
ប្រពន្ធ៖ មែន? ចង់តា! ហើយធ្វើម៉េចខ្លះ? សប្បាយម៉េចទៅហ្ន?
ហាហាហា (គេនាំគ្នាសើចព្រមគ្នា)

ស្រាប់តែទូរស័ព្ទរោទ៏ រីងៗៗៗ បុរសជាប្តីក៏លើកនិយាយ។ ជារឿងចៃដន្យរឺយ៉ាងណា? មិត្តស្និទ្ធស្នាលម្នាក់របស់គាត់បបួលទៅលេងកំពង់សោម វិលល្ងាច! ព្រមមុនស្អែក! ហាហាហា

វ៉ាវៗៗៗ រំភើប! (ប្រពន្ធ)។ ពួកគាត់នាំគ្នាក្រោកឡើង ប្រញាប់ប្រញាល់ទៅជួបមិត្តភក្តិម្នាក់នោះ ហើយដំណើរកំសាន្តក៏ចាប់ផ្តើម!!! អីយ៉ា!!!

នៅតាមផ្លូវទៅកំពង់សោម ទេសភាពពិតជាមិនប្រែប្រួល មើលចុះ ពណ៍ឲ្យបៃតងស្រស់នៃរុក្ខជាតិសងខាងផ្លូវ ផ្ទះអ្នកស្រុកខ្លះធំខ្លះតូច មិនជាធួរធារ ក៏មានអ្នកធូរធារច្រើន ដើមឈើធំតួច ដុះខ្ពស់ទាប អូរប្រលាយបឹងបួរចាប់ផ្តើមមានទឹកខ្លះៗហើយ ក៏ព្រោះតែភ្លឿងបានចាប់ផ្តើម​ធ្លាក់មកប៉ុន្មានមេដែរបើគិតរហូតមកដល់ពាក់កណ្តាលខែប្រាំនេះ។ អាកាសធាតុត្រជាក់ល្ហឹម ឡានរបស់យើងក៏មកដល់ពេជ្យនិល ជ្រោះជ្រៅហើយធំសន្លឹម មានអ័ព្ទសៗព្រាលៗជាច្រើននៅប្រលែប្រលំនឹងដើមឈើ ក៏ដូចជាភ្នំដែលមានពណ៏រាងបៃតងងងឹតបន្តិច។ អ្នកទាំងអស់នាំគ្នាចុះមកសំពះអុជធូបដល់យាយម៉ៅ សុំក្តីសុខដែលមានសែនជាចែក ផ្កា ថវិការ។ រួចរាល់ក៏បន្តដំណើរទៅមុខទៀត។

ប្រហែលម៉ោង ១១ កន្លះ ឡានក៏បានបត់ចួលផ្លួវមួយទៅក្នុងដែលសុទ្ធតែជាចំការ ផ្លូវរលាក់ពេញហ្នឹង ហើយរៀងស្ងាត់ទៀត តែមិនអីទេព្រោះមកគ្នាច្រើន ហេហេហេ ឡានក៏ធំហើយខ្ពស់ អាពីរកិប អត់អីត្រូវខ្វល់។ ម្ចាស់ឡានត្រូវជាមិត្តភ័ក្តបុរសជាប្តីកំពុងនាំមិត្តភក្តិនិងក្រុមគ្រួសារមិត្តភក្តិទៅលេងឆ្នេរ​

សមុទ្រមួយដែលនៅលាក់ខ្លួនយ៉ាងជ្រៅ។ តាមពិតគាត់ចង់ទៅស្ទូចត្រីផងព្រោះទីនោះស្ងាត់ហើយសំបូរអួរជាច្រើន។ ១៥នាទីកន្លងទៅ ពួកយើងក៏មកដល់គោលដៅ។ អ៊ាវៗៗៗៗ ស្អាតដល់ហើយ ឆ្នេរសមុទ្រសក្បុស វែងអន្លាយ​ជាមួយផ្ទះអ្នកភួមិ ៣​ទៅ៤ ផ្ទះដែលព័ទ្ធជុំវិញដោយដើមឈើ ដើមដូងជាច្រើន។ មានអ្នកទេសចរណ៍មួយក្រុមមកលេងទីនេះដែរតែនៅតែស្ងាត់ គ្មានអ្នកលក់ដួរអីទេ បែបផែនកន្លែងដាច់ស្រយាល។ អ្នកផ្សេងគេនាំគ្នាទៅដើរលេងទឹកសមុទ្រ អត់អីតែប្តីប្រពន្ធមួយគូនេះ ប្តីនៅស្ទួចត្រីក្នុងអូរមួយជិតកន្លែងចតឡានហើយនៅសារសងញ៉ែគ្នាជាមួយប្រពន្ធហ្នឹងឯង ហេហេហេ!!! លោកប្តីក៏ទៅហែកផ្លែទុរេន ដៃម្ខាងចាប់យកសាច់ទុរេនបញ្ចុកប្រពន្ធ ដៃម្ខាងអោបស្មាប្រពន្ធ ទ្រង់ស្អិតរមួតសំបើមណាស់ ហាហាហា! លួចឆ្មក់ថើបប្រពន្ធម្តងៗទៀត លឺតែសំលេងសើចក្អាកក្អាយ។

{បានហើយ ត្រលាន់ណាស់ កុំឌឺអ្នកអត់ទាន់មានគូពេក មកនេះមក!} មិត្តរបស់ប្តីស្រែកហៅ! ហេហេហេ ឲ្យរាង សមមុខ ស្មានតែអត់មានអ្នកឃើញ ដឹងអីមិនដឹងគេមកឃើញឯងតាំងពីឆ្នាំណា ហាហាហា!!!

អ្នកគ្រប់គ្នាក៏នាំគ្នាដើរលេងមួយជុំទៀតលើឆ្នេរខ្សាច់សៗដែលមានសំបកគ្រុំ លៀស ខ្យង ខ្ចៅ ផ្កាថ្មសមុទ្រពេញហ្នឹង ស្អាតដល់ហើយ ធម្មជាតិសុទ្ទៗ។ ពួកយើងដើរបណ្តើរ អោនរើសសំបកសត្វទាំងអស់ហ្នឹងបណ្តើរ ចេះតែដើរៗរហូតទៅដល់ផ្ទាំងថ្មធំៗហើយខ្ពស់ នាំគ្នាឡើងទៅទីនោះ អ្នកខ្លះទៅស្ទូចត្រី អ្នកខ្លះអង្គុយមើលទេសភាព ស្រូបខ្យល់អាកាសសមុទ្រ ពិតជាធម្មជាតិមែន ស្រស់ស្រាយបរិសុទ្ធឥតមន្ទិល។



ប្រហែលជិតមួយម៉ោងកន្លងផុតទៅ ឡានក៏ឡូនសន្សឹមៗឆ្ពោះទៅកាន់គោលដៅ។ ម៉ោងជិតមួយហើយ នុះមើលឃើញសមុទ្រខៀវខ្ចីលឹមៗ ហាហាហា ដល់ហើយៗ! នេះមិនមែននឹកសមុទ្រទៀតទេតែឃ្លានបាយយ៉ាងខ្លាំង! រំភើបណាស់ម៉ាក់អើយ បានញុំាហើយ!!!

គិតទៅតំបន់សមុទ្រដូចជាមិនចេះស្ងប់ស្ងាត់សោះ អ្នកទេសចរណ៏ចេះតែមានរហូតហើយក៍ព្រោះតែថ្ងៃនេះជាថ្ងៃចំរើនព្រះជន្នព្រះមហាក្សត្រស្រាប់ តូបក៏ឡើងថ្លៃ ម្ហូបក៏មិនបាច់និយាយ មួយម៉ាត់គឺ កាប់បានប៉ុណ្ណាយកប៉ុណ្នឹង។ ទេ មិនខ្វល់ មិនមែនដើរលេងរាល់ថ្ងៃឯណាហ្នេ ហើយជាពិសេសគឺមិនមែនចេញលុយតែឯងទៀត ចែកគ្នាចេញសោះ ហិហិហិ!

យើងក៏បានជួលខ្យូសមួយអង្គុយដែលនៅឲ្យកៀកឆ្នេរតែម្តង។ កម្ម៉ង់ម្ហូបមកពេញតុ នាំគ្នាញុំាំម៉ាឆ្ងាញ់ហើយប្រុសៗក៏នាំគ្នាទៅស្ទូចត្រីទៀតហើយ នៅសល់នាំគ្នាញុំាផ្លែឈើ លេងបៀររហូតដល់ម៉ោង៣ល្ងាច ស្រាប់តែមេឃផ្តើមឡើងខ្មៅ ខ្យល់បក់វ៉ូៗខ្លាំងៗ មេឃក៏ចាប់ផ្តើមភ្លៀង ហើយក៏នៅតែភ្លៀង ភ្លៀងធំទៅៗ។

នុះៗអ្នកស្រូចត្រីម្នាក់ដើរមកវិញហើយ ក៏មានម្នាក់ដើរតាមពីក្រោយ នរណាគេហ្នុងសក់រញ៉េរញ៉ៃដោយទទឹកភ្លៀង មាឌធំហើយខ្ពស់ ពាក់អាវខ្មៅឡើងរឹបជាប់ខ្លួនដោយសារជោគនឹងទឹកភ្លៀងហ្នឹងឯង ស្លៀកខោកំពិតពណ៍ខ្លៅដែរ មិនមែនលីអូរទេតែអាស៊េរីតែមួយហ្នឹងហើយដៃលីដងសន្ទូច ស៊ិចស៊ីដល់ហើយ! ^____^ អើៗ ដើរជិតមកៗហើយតាហា???!!! ប្តីខ្ញុំសោះ! ហាហាហា អៀនហាតាប៉ិនេះ សង្ហាម៉េសហ្នុង?! កុំច្រលំ សង្ហារាងរៅ មិនមែនមុខទេ! “@,@”

ជាប់ភ្លៀង យើងទាំងអស់គ្នាសំងំក្នុងខ្យូសនៅហ្នឹង គ្មានបានទៅណាទេ
ប្តី៖ រងារទេអូន?
ប្រពន្ធ៖ ចេះសួរកើត យេ…. រងារចង់ប្រកាច់ហើយ!  =___=^
ស្រាប់តែប្តីក៏ខិតមកអង្គុយកាន់តែជិតប្រពន្ធ យកកន្សែងពោះគោមកដណ្តប់ឲ្យប្រពន្ធរួចយកដៃគាត់មកក្តោបដៃប្រពន្ធជាប់ហើយសួរថា៖ {គ្រាន់បើអត់?}
ប្រពន្ធ៖ អឹម គ្រាន់បើតា! {តាមពិតអៀនច្រើនជាងពូនីស ហេហេហេ}

ចាំ ចាំ ចាំហើយចាំទៀតក៏មេឃមិនព្រមឈប់ភ្លៀងសោះ នៅសល់រលឹមស្រិចៗតិចៗ លោកប្តីក៏អួសដៃប្រពន្ធដើរទៅលេងលើឆ្នេរ
ប្រពន្ធ៖ កំពុងតែរងារស្រាប់ផង មកដើរក្រោមភ្លៀងទៀត មិនទៅទេៗ អត់អីលេងផង?!
ប្តី៖ សប្បាយតើ! ម៉ោៗ មានបងនៅក្បែរ មិនរងារទេណា!
ប្រពន្ធ៖ មែនធ្វើម៉េចលែងរងារ សាកធ្វើមើល? {គិតក្នុងចិត្តតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ហាហាហា}

ពួកគេក៏កាន់ដៃគ្នាដើរលេងលើឆ្នេរ រួចចុះលេងទឹកកាន់តែជ្រៅទៅៗ តែប្រពន្ធខ្លាចទឹកជ្រៅណាស់ក៏អោបប្តីឲ្យជាប់ហ្មង (ណាមួយចង់អោបស្រាប់ផង ហេហេហេ)។ គាត់ក៏អោបប្រពន្ធគាត់ដូចគ្នា ធ្វើម៉េចបើគ្នាភ័យ (បែបចង់អោបប្រពន្ធដែរហ្នឹងមើលទៅ ហាហាហា)។ លេងទឹកជ្រៅមួយសន្ទុះក៏នាំគ្នាមកអង្គុយលេងលើឆ្នេរ ហើយក៏នាំគ្នាចុះលេងទឹករាក់ៗវិញ បាចទឹកដាក់គ្នាអីណាទៀត ធ្វើមើលតែទីនេះជាពិភពលោកឯកជនរបស់គេពីរនាក់ចឹង សើចសប្បាយ ចង់ធ្វើអីធ្វើហ្នឹងមិនជំពាក់ពីណាម៉ារៀលទេ ហេហេហេ។

ប្តី៖ តោះអូនទៅវិញ បែបរងារណាស់ហើយ?!
ប្រពន្ធ៖ គ្មានឯណាលែងរងារហើយ អត់ទៅទេ។
ប្តី៖ ម៉ោៗ បានហើយ!
លែងនិយាយច្រើនក៏អូសដៃប្រពន្ធឲ្យដើរតាម ភ្លៀងនៅតែធ្លាក់តិចៗ អ្នកនាងប្រពន្ធដើរតាមទាំងមុខក្រម៉ូវ {ទេ ប្រញាប់ទៅណាមិនទាន់បានឃីសគ្នាផងហ្នឹងមិនមែនឃីសនៅថ្ពាល់ ថ្ងាស ភ្នែក ច្រមុះអីទេណា គឺថា អឺ អឺ និយាយទៅមិនទាន់បាន​ឃីសមាត់ផង?! ប្រញាប់នោះ!ប្រពន្ធគិតក្នុងចិត្ត។

គ្រប់គ្នាកំពុងរៀបចំទៅផ្ទះវិញ ដឹងអីម្ចាស់ឡានថាអត់ទៅទេ យប់ពេក គេងហ្នឹងមូយយប់ទៅ។ ចប់!!! និយាយអីកើត មកតាមគេ គេនៅមានតែនៅដែរ! ហើយបងប្រុសម្ចាស់ឡានក៏ដើរទៅយកកាតាបតូចមួយ កាតាបអីហ្នុងហ្នេ??? ឆ្ងល់!!! របស់ញុំាហេហេហេ
បើកកាតាបហ្នុងហើយ នោះសុទ្ទតែខោអាវ??? គាត់ថាមកលេងវិលល្ងាច ចុះយកខោអាវមករកអី?   -_________- ណា??? បោកគ្នាឯងតើនៀក??? ហាហាហា ឲ្យអញ្ចឹងឡើង! ជាលទ្ធផល អ្នកអត់ត្រៀមខោអាវមកក៏បង្ខំចិត្តទៅទិញខោអាវម្នាក់មួយសំរាប់ទុកស្លៀកស្អែកដោយសុវត្ថិភាព!!!

ដំណើរកំសាន្តលើកនេះពិតជារីករាយណាស់ ប្តីប្រពន្ធទើបតែការហើយផ្អែមល្ហែមអញ្ចឹងមែន!!!  :*

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I & Him Recently

Time is moving non stop... now my baby boy already turns to around 2.5 years old... Growing more lovely, more intelligent and bigger... lol... However, his facial expression is not that friendly to everyone... take after his Dad, such a serious expression.... hehehehe...

*** On the end of January; for my cousin's wedding...

*** During Chinese New Year; 18th February, red but pale... hahaha...

*** 7th March, a moment while on the way to join a Birthday's party...

*** Yesterday; 18th March, before leaving to join the wedding party...

All in all, I always force him to take selfie wit me... hahaha....

Sleeping Beauty Queen and the Warm Caring King…

On the large luxury bed of a king and a queen which in the middle of them, there is a presence of little kid; a cutie son, the prince of them… Look like this kid is kinda the wall to share this couple apart… but nahhh… you gonna feel warmth of a family… Love doesn’t mean to be always next to each other….
The cold wind is going through the big windows from one side to another… The smell of some types of flowers is going along with the wind… Their room is on the top of the castle… At night is the freshest time ever… A silent and peaceful night comforts this family a nice sleeping…and maybe leads them to the beautiful dream as well…

Suddenly, the queen feels of something is touching her cheek lightly and that must be the hand of her king, she thinks… Though, she still closes her eyes and keeps innocent just to keep this moment going on… She feels of his care… she feels of his charming eyes looking at her and smile… she feels of love…a huge love from him… She keeps pretending and lets him touching her cheek, her hair… her head…
A bit longer passed… she just can’t act sleeping more…  wanna see the image of her king if it is really as what she thought…. Opening her eyes… he does smile… but she doesn’t… The queen’s face is performing angrily as the king is disturbing to her peaceful sleeping… and the king doesn’t know if she is just playing around…Sound he takes it serious... In return, he stares back at her… and act as he doesn't know anything…. This makes the queen’s real in furious… and they both immediately turn their backs opposite to each other…No even a word exists from their mouths… Only our kiddy prince who continues his sleeping very comfortable…

The beautiful sweet moment has been ruined by starting from the queen and well supporting by the king… lol… If she doesn’t act so but instead of showing her real feeling… smile prettily to the king… or just get up and go over her kid to hug him tight… it might be even sweeter and sweeter… The king seems so love her but he doesn’t show much… only when he thinks she doesn’t in conscious… such as while she is sleeping… They both are so talent in putting something into worst… lol… such a couple… the same style, the same characteristic…

A sad ending… lol

Friday, March 13, 2015

A Man on de Stage

It was a moment of several years passed…

I was in a wedding party of my cousin… the party had been going on very well and full of joy…

Evening arrived… a lot of guests were coming in their each understanding of excellent outfits… long silky dress, high class and expensive customs with some of simply but beautiful modern dress… They started eating… drinking beer and wine… became drunken guys… behavior also had been changed… polite into aggressive, speechless became talkative…shy into brave… and even the noisy guys into such so silent one… lol… Music kept playing… singers kept sharing their beautiful voice… attractive dancers showed their elegant body and dancing skills by the music rhythm on the stage…

I saw a guy… went to talk with the music players… and signer… the stage VJ… then, he walked to the stage proudly… announced that he would like to wish the groom and bride a very marvelous life… wishing them… and gifting them by a few songs from him… aiii… I felt blush… he looked handsome and brave… tall...a bit brown skin… smiling face that didn’t mean to be for me but for everyone, including me! ^___^ He also seemed a bit drunk… I could see his passion to hand the microphone and waiting for his songs… Act as a professional one… he looked nicely with his well-prepared suit… it seemed such an expensive brand shirt but look a bit naughty from his left over a button on the top… it attracted me… lol… my ideal type…

The music started for that passionate guy… his voice started… oh la… hahahaha…. I laughed quite hard… quite mad… it was so funny… his voice didn’t fit with his appearance… his speaking was sweeter than his singing… hahaha…. Oh god! Thus, I even felt shy instead of him… hahahahha…. Most of people laughed at him… but he looked like care free and lets his songs started till ended… and replaced by his other songs… hahaha… Maybe this is the affection from alcohol… XD

Party ended… I went to the rent house… and yeah… he was in the same rent house with me… a few rooms next to me… hehe…. Such a fate… Morning of new day arrived… I knew I would meet him… I then prepared myself quite cute… with my plait hair into two and lets it fall to the front… I was so sweet with my around 19 years old of a cutie childish face… well, I’m too kiddy… I’m just a girl in his eyes (I guessed)… How come a seem wealthy man would be attracted coz of my young beauty? Lol… I just did something to please myself… But nah… he was looking at me and may trust I didn’t know… hahahaha… A success plan it was… However, we then departure to our each destination and thought of never meeting each other more…  I knew, it was just called CRUSH… lol

Until I got married, he also was there…. Coz that man…that man was the main person there… the one who already becomes my legal and official hubby…. XD

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

If that is FATE…

Just an ordinary lady actually,
Always think of the warm from having family,
Wanna get married coz wanna lets stress be,
From working and earning money,
That is SHE!

Decide to be a bride,
Smile to the life of being a wife,
Dream of no crying life,
Suppose to be a perfect housewife,
However, everything might not happen by ordered.

Replace by required to work harder,
In order to earn much better,
Responsibility is that high as a master,
But get none popular,
The praise doesn’t go to her.

Don’t mean to get appreciate,
Though; all in all, she needs encourage,
Instead, she is just a target,
That everyone have said,
She is quite comfortable coz of her hubby’s aids.

Never think of being the heroine,
But then it exists without any hints,
Maybe it is a fate that she is meant to be,
The stronger, the core of her family,
No choice but just accept and lets it be.

So please bless her, the lord,
Don’t make her waste her effort,
Please then give her unlimited success and support,
So that she could lead her family forward,
 To the healthy and wealthy from your escort.

If that is her fate,
Please bless her, make her none sad,
Coz she would need to go through many obstacles that are bad,
As you may see, she would be her family’s shade,
Until you would bless her so, she could continue her way that’s always great.

All above requests won’t make you hurt, the lord,
But if you deny to accept, you will instead by making her hurt a lot
She believes in you the lord,
Please make her belief becomes real as what she thought,
That you, the lord, always lets her meet miracle that is such a big support!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Isn’t that strange?

Go back to the past….

Whenever my mine remind of those fellow people, I feel quite uncomfortable… something seems so disgusting to me that could make me feel wanna vomit… lol… so strange…

Seeing their faces, their relationship, I feel unwell in my body…  just feel immoral or something… hehehe…. Hearing their voice… their chuckling, I feel goose-bumps…  kinda very touching my ears…

Be communicating with them sometime, their reaction, their attention to me… all have been assumed by my soul as insincere… such a fake one, the performance only…

I even feel I’m in much jealousy… however, it is not… just I don’t need unreal friends… or they never think I’m their friends either… we may just cross a road and know each other…

Be my real enemy; don’t pretend to be a friend who actually is enemy inside… It’s scary!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bad plus Bad!

Lately, I got complaint coz of my working’s result… Frankly, I have been working hard on that but look like it is not a fruitful outcome while management won’t really care of how tired I have been doing so far but they only need result. That is why!

Thus, I’m not feeling well with my surrounding people too… they seem so strange, up and down…good and bad… a bit discrimination or a bit mysterious to me while we should not be… coz we are just like a family… I feel worthless because of their ignorance and I don’t know why since I didn’t do anything to deserve this…

Moreover, family issue is another headache case…  I & him keep fighting over the subject of our outcome… in short, financial crisis… we often argue each other… sometime there is nothing serious but we still have potential ability to light the fire of argument and we ignore each other… we do feel hurt and we know it but we still lets it happen none stop…
We are now still in the middle family status but we could let this war happen…what if I accidentally get jobless? This family depend on me 80% so far… so, what worst will it occur later?

These big three crisis drag me into the hell of breathless… I look like having nowhere to go… cannot feel any working spirit at work… nor warm at home… or even inner peace coz of money…

I just hope that all these sucking problems will be soon over… I believe they just came to me in the way to test my patient, to strengthen me… to develop me… and to train me…such a lesson only… isn’t it? Because it is alike the rule of nature…
There is raining and then shining day…
There is the dark of night and the bright of day…
There is winter and there is summer…
There is storm but it can’t stay eternity…
So, please all precious lords of all human… we believe in you… then, please return me back of my silky life so soon… you won’t treat your child in this kinda obstacle too long, right?

Please return me back of my smile, my success both work & life… I do deserve them… since I swear; I never hurt anyone but just help them… I’m doing none of sin but only goodness….

Bless me please!

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I’ve been through a path I chose myself, my professional journey. I believed I would deliver the best result and met my stakeholder’s expect...