Monday, June 24, 2024

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I’ve been through a path I chose myself, my professional journey. I believed I would deliver the best result and met my stakeholder’s expectation. Things won’t go as planned within the last 13 months in this journey. Though, I was very happy for myself who was absolutely brave to take the challenges and provided the best of my best. The journey was filled with thorn, the poisonous sharp thorn which put me down both physical and emotional health… I fell sick months, checked up full body and found nothing… I finally was diagnosed as insomnia. I was cured and decided to open a new page, start the new career from this July 01, 2024.

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I don’t know if I can do it, I have no experience at all with this new career… i just wish myself all the best and lets try first… If I cannot do this, I will need to explore another new opportunity…

This gets me worried, I think quite a lot on this…

In my dreams, several dreams…but I remembered few only…

* The first dream I remembered…

I was in the elevator and was meant to go down stair from 25 floors… Because I was so talkative, the elevator reached ground floor per my goal, I didn’t happen to leave the elevator and it just brought me back to 25 floor… I was like, wowwww… I can even missed the floor…haha… so I just told myself, I will go again…but I waked up…  

I got lost in the building but things didn’t turn so serious… I still enjoyed the ride… hahaha…

**The second dream…

I was leaving my workplace and went home… I almost reached home but saw a teenager boy whom his motorbike got crushed by the truck…

I was so shocked which I jumped from my motorbike and tried to drag him out of the truck… he got injured and there were blood on my hands too… I was quite panic…

I asked him to call his family…

His Mom picked up and talked in such a no care speech, just handed the phone to his

His Dad answered immediately and asked me to wait as he was trying to reach the location we were at…

I was there with him and also with some other kids… waiting for him while this made me gonna be home late, quite late for sure… then I waked up…


All in all, my mind, my dreams and all about myself, are all confusing…

I do wish my new page is going to be very smooth, I do hope for this…


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I’ve been through a path I chose myself, my professional journey. I believed I would deliver the best result and met my stakeholder’s expect...