Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I missed the chances or I’m fated to be….?

That is about my job…

I ever got the offer several times to be the management of my current job and all I could react; I rejected every single chance… lol… The reason was; I was not ready yet!

To my current days, I keep wondering what the heck did I see in my perspective in the past? I don’t really understand my old me… hahahah… I’m now starving to meet that kinda chance again and I would catch it tight and try it! Being later fail or pass doesn’t mind to me since even if I may fail, that is called experience! However, I get no more golden chances…

I got selected for my new career as well and that is with the same post, the same benefits with my this old age… Did I miss the chances or Am I fated to be only in the junior level?

Hehehe… maybe the lord doesn’t think I’m mature enough to lead other so all I can do now is to accept the fact and continue to be immature and wild…

uhmmm meow...meow! XD


Hay Blog! I come back to you with broken heart again...

My dear speakup zone, my dear blog, I came here with a broken heart again... and so does the broken soul...   I cross path with a very g...